Net Addiction

By: Jenny Holland

slide01.jpgNet Addiction is also referred to as: Internet addiction, web addiction, Internet overuse, and Internet addiction disorder. Research on this topic first started in 1996 by Dr. Kimberly Young. She presented her paper “Internet Addiction: The Emergence of New Disorder” at the American Psychological Association’s annual conference in Toronto. Since then many other studies have been produced around the world.


This is a rising problem in our community with the amount of time people spend online per day. It is said that between 5 and 10% of web users suffer from some sort of web dependency.

Internet addiction can come in many different forms; people can be addicted to one aspect of the Internet or all. Some of the specific addictions associated with the Internet are gaming addictions, pornography addictions, online shopping and social media addictions.

But what makes the Internet so ADDICTING? Most people who crave the Internet are really craving an underlying need for socialization but in a different form. While people are online playing their videogames they are really communicating with other players, or when someone compulsively checks their email and social media sites they are looking for person-to-person communication. The same can be said about online pornography, the person is probably missing person-to-person contact that is unavailable.

tumblr_lc5t1izaTy1qan30zo1_400.jpgInternet addiction is as serious as gambling or any other type of addiction. As of right now it is not in the current DSM as a listed psychological disorder but it is said to maybe make an appearance in the next addition. Since this is such a new problem the statistics of the disorder are still being worked out but I do believe IAD should be added into the next version of the DSM. IAD, just like any other type of disorder, has very serious and real side effects. People who suffer from IAD are more prone to developing anxiety and even depression.

There are different levels of addiction that people can suffer from just like other disorders. Some people may just have compulsive urges to use the Internet while others, as I mentioned before, may end up growing anxiety and depression.

Like most things there are two sides to the story. Some other doctors suggest that IAD is not an actual psychological disorder and it is the symptom of another underlying illness, therefore, IAD does not deserve be in the next DSM.

After doing all of my research I wanted to see what it took to be defined as a “internet addict” so I found a test and I took it!


Thankfully I was rated as being an average online user. If you would like to see what you score CLICK HERE. Some of the questions they ask are:
• How often do you find yourself staying online longer than you intended to
• Do you get agitated and find yourself yelling or being upset someone interrupted you while you were online
• Find that you are anxious when you are not able to be online

Luckily if you are suffering from Internet Addiction Disorder there are TREATMENTS. There are many rehabilitation programs and counseling centers all around the world that can help you.